Active management of dry grasslands in the Berounka valley

Photo: archive of 4th division VS Prague 3

On November 21st, a management intervention in dry grasslands took place with scout volunteers (4th group of water scouts from Prague 3 – Albatrosové) close to Korno village in the Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Karst. Scout volunteers cutted shrubs and trees growing in dry grassland with protected and rare species (e.g. Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. bohemica) under the expert leadership of Karel Boublík.

Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. bohemica, photo by David Svoboda. 

We explained to young scouts, why Central European landscape became overgrown with shrubs and trees and the importance of maintainance of open conditions for many light-demanding plants, butterflies and other groups of insects and animals. Then, we cutted shrubs and trees in an area of 0.25 ha.

Photo: archive of 4th division VS Prague 3

Photo: archive of 4th division VS Prague 3