On 6 August 2021, at a natural history camp at the Museum of Nature of Bohemian Paradise, children accompanied by Petr Petřík learned about the flora and vegetation, particularly about what is native to the area and how the landscape would look like without human intervention. Pupils from different parts of Bohemia learned, for example, that in order to preserve biodiversity in the current conditions, it is sometimes necessary to involve disturbance in the form of mowing or grazing, or in the case of forests, traditional management methods such as coppicing. Management objectives may vary depending on the object of protection and the type of forest, but even a commercial forest should take into account basic knowledge of species biology and ecology (e.g. not planting invasive tree species, favoring natural regeneration, and increasing the proportion of deadwood).

Petr Petřík demonstrating plants found in the forest. Photo by Marcela Lazurková

Photo by Marcela Lazurková

Photo by Marcela Lazurková