On 5 May 2021, Petr Petřík and Radim Hédl from the project team took part in the Sustainability Days conference organized by the Na Zatlance Gymnasium. They presented the journal Botanika published by the Institute of Botany of the CAS and the activities of the Platform for the Landscape.
They also described the latest findings from research on forest vegetation changes to the conference participants. They also addressed landscape issues. For example, the students were asked whether they knew what was behind the rapid loss of agricultural land in the Czech Republic (an average of 15 ha per day), the decline in the number of field birds in agricultural landscapes (since the 1920s, the number has fallen by 90%) and the fact that we have extirpated around 20 species of our butterflies.
The children were most interested in what will happen when our landscape is completely destroyed by humans and came up with all sorts of catastrophic scenarios. They were a little surprised that the breakdown of spruce monocultures is not considered such a catastrophe from a botanical point of view, as it offers the possibility of changing the tree composition for a more natural and structurally diverse forest.

Radim Hédl