The small locality at the Hrušovský pond near Brandýs nad Labem is one of the disjunct ones in the Czech Republic for the critically endangered species of the Early Star-of-Bethlehem. Around 70 flowering individuals and many sterile ones grow here. In addition, there are also a number of thermophilic species preferring open habitats (e.g. rush skeletonweed). The site was gradually overgrown with bushes, and the invasive species of the ornamental plant, the Caucasian Stonecrop, also contributed to the reduction of the area of rocky outcrops of the valuable habitat. Cooperation has therefore been established with the Scout Institute with the local branch of the Scouts from Brandýs nad Labem, the site has been be monitored from spring 2022, and management in the form of cutting and removing invasive stonecrop is also taking place here. Petr Petřík led a botanical excursion to the site on April 9, 2022 in cooperation with the Czech Botanical Society, and then organized a separate event for smaller scouts on April 19, 2022. Prior to that, we managed to arrange the pruning and removal of bushes with the Technical Services of the city Brandýs nad Labem, so the place became brighter and we expect the development of the rock steppe.