Scientific publications
Milford, A. B., Johansen, J., Kårstad, S., & Schei, F. H. (2024). “Historical signs in the landscape”: Ecosystem services, motivation and challenges of pollarding in Western Norway. Agroforestry Systems, 1-19.
Vild O., Chudomelová M., Macek M., Kopecký M., Prach J., Petřík P., Halas P., Juříček M., Smyčková M., Šebesta J., Vojík M. & Hédl R.. (2024). Long-term shift towards shady and nutrient-rich habitats in Central European temperate forests. New Phytologist.
Douda J., Doudová J., Holeštová A., Chudomelová M., Vild O., Boublík K., Černá M., Havrdová A., Petřík P., Pychová N., Smyčková M., Šebesta J., Vaníček J. & Hédl R. (2023). Historical sampling error: A neglected factor in long-term biodiversity
change research. Biological Conservation 286, 110317.
Havrdová, A., Douda, J. & Doudová, J. (2023). Threats, biodiversity drivers and restoration in temperate floodplain forests related to spatial scales. Science of The Total Environment, 158743.
Doudová J., Douda J. & Boublík K. (2022). Traditional human practices protect diversity of open forests threatened by ticking nutrient time bomb. Biological Conservation 275, 109758.
Szabó P. (2021). The Horka Litter Raking Incident: On Foresters and Peasants in Nineteenth-Century Moravia. Environment and History 27(4). [freely available here]
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